SAIBPP 10 Point Plan

The recent announcement of the Moody’s downgrade comes at a time when the economy is already under extreme pressure due to the COVID-19 lockdown. Many key industries have been ground to a halt with devastating consequences for mostly the poor, marginalised communities and informal traders. Many emerging landlords, small business owners, contractors and commission-based earners […]

Access to finance

To change patterns of property ownership, urgent reforms are required in the financial services sector, particularly in the form of lending policy reforms. Black people, black developers,

Land reform

The total South African landmass nearly equates to 123-million hectares. By 2013, land reform/ restitution programmes had seen only 7.95-million hectares transferred to black


Ownership within the commercial property sector, 6 million hectares of commercially developed and zoned privately-owned urban land are attributed to ownership by Black people

Legislative Reform

According to the 2018 Property Sector Charter Council (PSCC) State of Transformation Report there is very little progress on the implementation of B-BBE in the property sector in both private companies

SAIBPP 10-point

Vestibulum quam nisi, pretium a nibh sit amet, consectetur hendrerit mi. Aenean imperdiet lacus sit amet elit porta, et malesuada erat bibendum.


In a bid to assist members during the challenging lockdown period SAIBPP has undertaken to submit an application on behalf of our members to the UIF COVID-19 Temporary Relief Scheme (TERS). The COVID-19 TERS is a special benefit separate from the ordinary UIF benefits and processes. The objective of this fund is to minimise job losses and alleviate the strain to employers & employees during the lockdown period by subsidising payroll of businesses during the period in which the business is unable to trade. Following extensive engagement between the SAIBPP Executive and the Department of Labour through Minister Nxesi and the UIF Commissioner, it has been resolved that a joint submission by SAIBPP will be made to the fund collating all relevant member information to assist in expediting & tracking approvals. Please note that applying does not guarantee approval. Applicants will still be subject to the regular verification and validation processes…